Drawing on the framework of political theory and political sociology, The Political Imagination places power at the center of American politics. Inspired by a rich tradition of scholarship that investigated, theorized and explained politics and political outcomes as contestations of power, our textbook brings the challenges and successes of the political process to life. At a time when the meaning of democracy is in flux in the US and worldwide, understanding the sources, expressions, and theories of power is crucial to help students acquire the knowledge and skills to make sense of these turbulent, exciting times and to see themselves as politically active agents in the society in which their lives unfold.
An educated, engaged, curious, activist public is the lifeblood of any democratic society. The Political Imagination was not solely written to inform students on the workings of American government. This textbook critically, with hope and optimism, engages students in ways they find relevant. Student feedback to The Political Imagination has been excellent. Whether students are taking an Introduction to American Government course, as either a “free elective” or a core course in their political or social science degree program, The Political Imagination is a compelling, accessible, different type of textbook that seeks to empower its reader.
Student prices start at $39.95
Complete edition will be available
for instructor review early Fall Semester!