INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT PACKAGE- Providing Faculty with Outstanding Support and Service

Instructor's Resource Manual (Digital Download)
Depending on the specific title, this comprehensive manual includes a wealth of additional resources instructors will find helpful and to support the teaching from our textbooks. The Instructor's Resource Manual (IRM) has been thoroughly updated for the new edition. The IRM is available in a digital format that allows for easy customization to meet your instructional needs. We provide these files in an MS Word format. It features the following items for each chapter:
- Brief Chapter Outlines
- Comprehensive Lecture Outlines
- Summaries of the Boxed Features
- In-class Teaching Ideas and Suggestions
- Sample Lesson Plans
- Answers to Review Questions, Discussion Questions, Exercises, Case Study Material, and Practice
Quizzes/Test (When Applicable)
- And much more!

Test Item Files (Digital Download)
Depending on the specific title, each chapter contains a variety of true-false, multiple-choice, and essay questions. The format allows instructors the flexibility to either customize/modify or add questions to meet their specific needs These formats can generally also be used with or modified for a variety of test generating software platforms or Learning Management Systems that instructors may currently be using with their other textbooks including Blackboard, Moodle, Brightspace/D2L, Canvas, Sakia, MS Word, and ExamViev.

PowerPoint Lecture Slides (Digital Download)
This portfolio of full color PowerPoint slides provides a comprehensive set of lecture presentation resources based on the textbook and additional content that includes:
- Key Definitions, Discussion Topics, Images, Illustrations, Tables, and Graphs from the Textbook.
- Brief Chapter Outlines.
- Class Exercises.
- Chapter Quizzes.
- Additional Illustrations from Outside the Textbook when provided.

Online Video Labs w/Student Worksheets
(Digital Download. Available with select titles)
A collection of high quality, dynamic and sometimes humorous video segments (contemporary and classic) that are produced by a variety of media, academic, entertainment sources that are accessed via the web. Organized by chapter (2-4 per chapter depending on title), each video segment illustrates key topics/issues discussed in that specific chapter.Great for class discussions, group projects, homework, extra credit, and quizzes/tests. Each video segment is accompanied by a student worksheet that consists of a series of discussion questions that helps students connect the themes presented in the video segment back to key topics discussed in that specific chapter. For many of our title, Instructors are provided with suggested answers for each worksheet (non-opinion-based questions).

Faculty Support - Outstanding Customer Service
Academic Media Solutions is committed to providing faculty and students with an outstanding customer experience. Please contact us directly if you need assistance.
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