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Custom Publishing FAQs

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Why should I publish with Academic Media Solutions? We are dedicated to providing educators and students with the highest quality customized textbooks and supplements that are designed specifically for their individual course needs. Our production and editorial teams oversee all stages of development and production, working closely with you to ensure that every project fulfills expectations.

How much will the custom book cost? The price of your customized text will depend on several factors (see below). Generally, it will come down to the amount, type, and look of the project you choose to create. However, since your students will only be purchasing the material, you want to use in your course, the price is most often less than what they would normally shell out for a traditional textbook or supplement. Factors that affect the cost of your custom textbook: 

  • The number of books being produced and sold (print or digital)

  • The number of pages/content in the book

  • If the manuscript requires extensive editorial development and production

  • If the book is printed in color (2-color or 4-color) or black and white

  • The design and color scheme of the cover

  • Form​​at - Interactive Digital eBook and/or print (paperback, spiral-bound, or loose-leaf formats).

  • The complexity of page design and layout

  • The level of interactivity (digital only)

  • If there are royalties involved​

  • If there are permissions costs involved  

  • If photographs/Charts/Graphs are included and/or needed to be created


Do I have to clear permissions and do all the paperwork myself? No. YOLO Interactive has the processes and systems to clear all copyright permissions for your project. This includes negotiating fees and handling all the necessary paperwork. In addition, we will help you establish a budget for your project to cover the payment of these fees. Remember that permission clearance can be the most time-consuming part of the publishing process. To keep costs down and avoid any unnecessary disruptions or delays, you should provide as much of the outside contents' bibliographical information as possible and allow for plenty of time to secure permission from the holders of the copyrights.

Is there a minimum order? Yes. To achieve the most cost-effective pricing, we require that the number of copies produced and purchased by your students over an academic year is at least between 600-1000 copies.  Call us at 440-349-9174 for more information and a price estimate. 

How do I submit my course material? Our flexibility allows you to send us your material "as is." It might be "camera-ready," on a CD, thumb drive, or via the internet download (FTP Site).
Can I include previously published material? Yes. Simply send us complete bibliographic information (author, title, original publisher, date, copyright holder, page numbers, etc.). We will clear permissions and pay all fees. Our experience with copyright clearance guarantees that copyright laws are upheld. You can include readings, graphs, tables, illustrations, photos, journal articles, material from periodicals, newspaper articles, and book chapters. Remember: Permission costs directly affect the final price of your project to your students. For more information on copyrights click here.

​Do I have to sign a contract? We have an easy-to-understand Publishing Agreement that our authors sign, stipulating the specifications of your project, the net price, royalty amount (if applicable), and the number of copies to be ordered. 
Will I receive desk copies? Yes. Complimentary desk copies are provided for all instructors who teach the course. 
Who holds the copyright to my book? Unlike many publishers, Academic Media Solutions is open to discussing an arrangement that best satisfies both parties. We believe professional recognition is one of the rewards of authorship. We want to be your partner and not simply a vendor.​
Do I get to see my book before it is published? Yes. Provided your materials are received by the deadline, our publishing schedule allows you to see page proofs before the book is printed.
How often can I revise my book? Our publishing cycles are based on an academic year. To provide you with the most flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, and keep your course material current, we allow you the option to revise as much or as little as you like as long as it is financially possible.

If we don't sell all of the books in the contract period, do I have to buy them? No. Since we use a print-on-demand approach, we make every attempt to base our print runs conservatively enough so that this does not become an issue. However, if after the agreement period expires and we still have some unsold inventory, we expect that you will continue to use the book until the contracted quantity has been sold.

​What is your return policy? ​We currently maintain the industry standard 20% return policy on print versions and restocking fees. Since we work directly with the bookstores serving your school, we are able the forecast and produce the right number of texts to meet student demand. We simply ask you to support our efforts to market your book to your students.
Can I include graphs, tables, artwork, and/or photographs in my custom work? Yes. If your material contains artwork, tables, photographs, charts, or diagrams, copyright clearance may be needed to be secured for these as well. We will review each of them and let you know the cost (if any) to include in your project. Our production group can also render from scratch any charts, graphs, and tables that are specific to your content.
Can I earn royalties? ​Yes. As an author, you may be entitled to receive royalties for your efforts. These royalties can be paid to you, institutions, academic departments, student organizations, scholarship funds, foundations, or charities of your choice. Remember that royalties are factored into the overall cost of your project.
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